Home Page

Layout Features

  • Fully responsive layout on any size device.
  • Fixed width divs that add a scrollbar as opposed to stretching.
  • Navigation section moves to top when window is resized.


The great thing about this is that you can write as much as you like, and it just adds a scrollbar. Just keep writing until you can write no more!



The great thing about this is that you can write as much as you like, and it just adds a scrollbar. Just keep writing until you can write no more!

I've been fiddling with this site and relearning some basic html and css stuff. I wanna start building out some of my other links like my Reading List and Essays and some other stuff, Crow has been building out a Garden page and I showed him some font stuff.

I'm still figuring out what I want to do here, and what my plans are for leaving the zuccspace generally. Doing HTML and such are generally frustrating on a phone, I tried to borrow a laptop but it was soon slow I just couldn't handle it. I'm gonna need to figure out either a

Life outside the wired has been going well. Time turns as it always does, but I find that my sense of communal wellbeing and safety is healing even as I watch the world falling apart.

I look forward to whatever comes next♡